
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thursday 9 Decenber 2010

Hi Rajiv,
Could you explain to us how you detect a virus in your computer and how to get rid of it! I had a scare Wednesday night with the message below:
Security Tool Notification,
Spy ware IE Monster process is found.
This virus is trying to send your password from internet browser (Explorer, Mozilla, Firefox and Outlook and others) from the third party.
Click here to protect you data with Security Tool.

Security Tool Notification,
Harmful software has been detected at your PC. Click here to deactivate it.

It claimed it had detected so many hundred Trojans and Worms. I ran a Comprehensive Scan with my Norton 360 and it found only one item which it fixed straightaway.

In my Startup Manager I have 35 programs. Which of these programs can I turnoff. How delayed items do works?

1 comment:

  1. Spyware.IEMonster is a type of spyware software that is known as a browser hijacker. Once the software has infected a computer system a user can experience slow system performance, new desktop shortcuts as well as a new browser homepage. The software also displays pop-up messages that can look like fake Windows alerts or advertisements for fake anti-spyware programs.
    The purpose of Spyware.IEMonster is to trick a user into buying an unnecessary spyware removal program as well as collect personal information. The software attempts to elicit a user to click on messages that appear on the screen to download unnecessary anti-spyware programs. The virus then attempts to download and install additional malicious software to the computer.
    Users that are infected with Spyware.IEMonster will notice symptoms that include a new browser homepage as well as browser redirects to a specific website. Users may also experience various pop-up warnings messages about infections on their system. Icons can also appear on the desktop that will reappear after being deleted.
    Your computer can become infected with Spyware.IEMonster by installing software that contains the program.You might also visit a web page that has been infected or compromised and that runs a script to secretly download software. The software can also infect a system by being disguised as an ActiveX plug-in that is needed to run on a web page.
    Infections of Spyware.IEMonster can be removed by running installing and running an anti-spyware program such as Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware (see Resources). An infected user can also perform a malware scan of their system using tools available online. One such tool is the PC Safety Scan that is provided by Microsoft OneCare (see Resources).
    Preventing a system from getting infected by Spyware.IEMonster can be done by installing software to scan the system and prevent the software from being installed. One program that can provide real-time scans for malicious software is Windows Defender. A program that can be used to prevent the software from being installed is SpywareBlaster.
